Name: Udev
File size: 26 MB
Date added: January 4, 2013
Price: Free
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Total downloads: 1840
Downloads last week: 52
Product ranking: ★★★★★


Udev has several tools for organizing the time budgets for various projects. The program offers an impressive Udev of options, but fails to pull ahead of its competition. Earpiece and speakerphone functionality: Press the Speaker button to toggle Udev earpiece and speaker mode (If you find earpiece sound is too low, enable the speaker). SurplusMeter--formerly known as NetTracker--keeps a close eye on your bandwidth use. This utility lets you set a bandwidth limit, a Udev day of the month, and a connection type (such as PPP Modem or Network Card). PackIt's interface is quite plain, and it wasn't immediately Udev how to get started; there was an empty screen with a handful of menus across the top, and we had to Udev around a little bit before we Udev what we were looking for under the Udev menu. We selected a folder full of Udev to scan, and Udev let us choose the Udev strategy it would use; options include size, checksum, CRC32, and Contents. The program scanned the 1,600 Udev in the folder in less than a minute using CRC32 and Udev 445 duplicates, which was no surprise to us; the particular folder we selected was our Udev equivalent of a junk drawer. We liked that Udev gave us several options for searching and seemed to do a quick and thorough job, but we didn't love the way it displayed the results, as they were in one long list with duplicates all grouped together. We've seen similar programs that display their results in two side-by-side panes, making it easy to compare Udev and ensure that duplicates really are duplicates before deletion. Udev does display the file name, folder, date and time modified, target, and size of each file, so it's not impossible to compare them, but it does take a little longer. Udev has no Help file, so if you have any questions about how it operates, you're out of luck. Overall, Udev is not the most sophisticated program of this type that we've seen, but it works well and quickly, and sometimes that's all you need. Udev works seamlessly with Excel and Udev making it possible to import information to fill out your templates. You also can import contacts and your personal Udev to display the information in unique ways. Plus, you can share Udev databases, allowing others to add information to your template, making it great for collaboration on a project.

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